Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Survey Sayz

People are alawayz commenting on tha way I walk. I've been told I look lazy, my principal told me she liked tha way I carry myself and some sucka even told me I walk like I think I'm tha shxt. I wuz like yee thatz a common misconception doggy...I "know" I'm tha shxt. But on some real talk tha walk aint intentional, itz just me, but my homie say it came from me tryin not to damage my sneakers over time. I disagreed so we conducted a study. An observation to see how people with nice shoes walked vs.how tha people with tha less luxurious sneakz walked. With a consistancy, tha peepz with tha nice kickz were tha people walking with a slow limp and were trying to avoid contact with other people. Tha ones with tha run down shoes on tha other hand were tha people with tha questionable behavior. We witnessed them runnin in tha dirt, I spotted untied laces being walked on and we even saw. Peepz walkin on tha back of shoes. We came to tha conclusion that people with nice sneakerz tend to have more juice in their walk than tha people who don't care what they wear. Keep it simple except on ur feet.


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